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Cairn Rededication Imprimer
dimanche, 19 septembre 2010, 18:30 - 21:00
The Cairn at the 42 Highland Regiment Burial Grounds at Pleasant Valley, Nashwaak bridge has been restored and will be Rededicated at a Memorial and Candle Light Service at the Burial Grounds on September 19th 2010 at 630 pm. Taking part in this Service will be Members of the Black Watch Association and the Royal Canadian Legion Beaverbrook Branch #80. Members taking part in the Parade are asked to wear blue blazer, grey slacks, head dress and medals.

There will be a Reception held at Branch #80 Legion after the Service. We hope to have a good turnout of members from our Association that will attend this service.

For further information if required contact.

Basil McAllister at e-mail Cette adresse email est protégée contre les robots des spammeurs, vous devez activer Javascript pour la voir.


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