1st Bn Eastern Command 1954

8116 views1st Bn Eastern Command 1954

1652 viewsp1 Halifax Guard, Piper at Home of Mayor of Halifax

4535 viewsp2 Aldershot CPX EX Muskrat March 1957 Maj DA McAlpine, Lt IH Kerr, Lt A MacRae, Cpl Malone
p3 GOC Eastern Command Mgen EC Plow inspecting Band 1954

4797 viewsp4 On Board SS Princess Helene, Maj KER Moffat, Lt VA George and Captain, 1954

3755 viewsp7 On Board SS Princess Helene, going to Ottawa for visit of HM The Queen Mother, Maj KER Moffat, Lt VA George, 1954

706 viewsp9 On Board SS Princess Helene, Private and Captain, 1954

3265 viewsp11 HM The Queen Mother, His Excellency Vincent Massey, Maj KER Moffat, 1954

2371 viewsp13 RSM WOI Finnie and Guard of Honour Sr NCOs, WOII Firby HE, WOII Smith CJ, Sgt Myers CB, Sgt. Stenhouse GR, 1954

19439 viewsp15 Guard of Honour Personnel, Ottawa 1954

1458 viewsp17 Guard of Honour Personnel, Ottawa 1954

4651 viewsp19 Guard of honour, Sgt CB Myers Drilling Guard, 1954

2411 viewsp21 Guard of Honour for Duchess of Kent, OC Maj SB McDonald, Halifax 1954
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