About the Branch
The Toronto Association was formed by World War One members from the Black Watch RHR part our Regimental Family in 1921. In 1935 the Association opened a club on Wellington Street and the Saturday and Wednesday night dances were very popular. Until the 1940's, the majority of the Regimental Members continued to be from the Black Watch RHR but retired Veterans from the Canadian Regimental Family slowly started an influx after WW2.
The Saturday night dances continued until the close of clubroom operations at our last “bricks and mortar” location of 44 York Street in 1982. Since 1982 we have had meetings in the Naval Club, the Mess facilities of the 48th Highlanders of Canada and our most recent location, a private room in The Blake House at 449 Jarvis Street. These meetings are now being buttressed by a luncheon gathering in the West End of the GTA (Burlington) which we hope can be expanded into a revolving quarterly event to include the Central and East End GTA as well.
The first Red Hackle Dinner (RHD) was held on January 5, 1929, in the Victoria Hotel (56 Yonge Street) and this celebration has continued annually since 1929. A clubroom move to 44 York Street in 1972, saw RHD 1973 to be the first dinner in the Royal York Hotel (York and Front Streets) where it remained until 1987 when due to a decreased attendance, it was moved to the 48th Highlanders of Canada Sergeants' and Warrant Officers' Mess in Moss Park Armoury. However, thanks to a renewed and steady increase in attendance at this annual event starting in 2007, the RHD has subsequently been relocated several times, with the most recent location since 2016, and until the arrival of covid in Spring 2020, being the Courtyard Marriott (475 Yonge Street).
During the COVID pandemic, we pivoted our annual Red Hackle celebration to a virtual format as the Red Hackle Event (RHE). There have been two such presentations so far. The first in January 2021 followed by RHE 2022 on January 15th. Both have been very well supported thanks to not only our members but our friends within the GTA Garrison Family.
Introducing your current branch executive:
President |
Raymond Joseph, CD, AdeC |
Immediate Past President |
William (Bill) Carlisle |
Vice_President |
Derek Alexopoulos |
Sergeant-at-Arms |
Michael Dickinson |
Treasurer |
Harold Dowd |
Membership Chair |
Brian Dowd |
BBQ Chair/RCL Liaison |
Marilyn Lawson-Dickinson |
RHM Contributor |
James Corlis, CD |
Pipe Major/IT Support |
Derek Alexopoulos |
New Activities |
Ann Brodie |
Committee Member: |
New Activities/BBQ/RHD |
Sherry Duplessis |
Membership Activities
Membership Renewals
Joining the Toronto Black Watch Association
You may renew your membership using your credit card HERE(service charge applies)
Or mail a cheque (no service charge) to the address on your invoice
Please contact the Branch at the following email address
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Social Media
Upcoming Events

Active Service Fund
The Active Service Fund (ASF) covers the cost of supplying comfort packages to our Black Watch Soldiers on active operations. All funds donated to the ASF are held in trust and can only be used in support of programs that assist our soldiers on operations. You can donate online through CanadaHelps by clicking on the logo below. Also, please note the item to choose once there.
