The Foundation's Mission:
To build and maintain a source of support for The Black Watch (RHR) of Canada, the community it serves, its Associations and affiliations, in the furtherance of its unique role in the maintenance of Canadian culture and traditions. For close to 150 years, Canada's history speaks eloquently of the Black Watch and its service to the country in times of need.
Honouring the past... |
Encouraging the present... |
Preparing the future... |
The Regimental Museum, one of the most extensive regimental archives in the country, memorial plaques in Europe and Canada are just some of the ways the Black Watch Foundation honours the soldiers who have worn the Red Hackle. In the coming years a new Regimental History will be written in time for the 150th anniversary, along with other publications. This glorious and heroic past is ours to pass onto future generations. Your support is essential!
The Black Watch armoury bustles daily with the young men and women of the militia unit, cadets, veterans and visitors. Its hard to find a time when one doesn’t hear a bagpipe playing or drill on the floor. Maintaining highland dress, providing scholarships, gifts to soldiers on missions, and the Children’s and Soldiers’ Christmas parties all help with unit morale and thus its strength. Help keep morale high for those proudly wearing the Red Hackle today in service to Canada.
The Black Watch of Canada Foundation was established close to 10 years ago to provide for the future of the Regiment. It gives annual grants to support all of the above activities based on donations and revenue from its endowment fund, which also must grow. With plans afoot to welcome our new Colonel-in-Chief for a Presentation of New Colours and the 150th Anniversary of the Regiment in just 6 years, the Foundation is foreseeing these needs. Your support is essential!
Since 1862, the year Canada's Black Watch was authorized, the Regiment, with its own resources, and with the strong support of the citizens of Montreal and from across Canada, has supplemented Government funding. This has enabled the Regiment to maintain its unique national presence in the Militia, Active and Regular Forces through the construction of its own Armoury, it's Highland Dress, Cadet Corps, Pipes & Drums, Museum and Archives, special training, education & recruiting, ceremonial events, cultural support for the community, Regimental memorials in Canada and abroad, and even the compiling of its own history.
Budget constraints for recruiting and training, and diminishing support of Government, have made it necessary for Regiments to fund an ever increasing proportion of these types of operating costs. It is for this reason that there is a compelling need for your support.
- a donation
- a multi-year pledge
- in memoriam donation
- name the Foundation in your will
- planned giving
We have joined forces with CanadaHelps.org in order to accept on-line credit card donations and you can access our account and make a donation by clicking on the buttons below. Alternatively, to download a donation form (PDF format) that you can fill in manually and send, click here .
Financial contributions are appreciated and tax receipts can be issued. Please direct any inquiries to the address listed below.
The Black Watch (RHR) of Canada Foundation Att: Fundraising Committee 2067 Bleury Street Montreal, Quebec Canada H3A 2K2
Questions can be e-mailed to the
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A PDF document of the Foundation flyer can be downloaded from here .