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Via Rail and Vets (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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TOPIC: Via Rail and Vets
Via Rail and Vets 13 Years, 7 Months ago  
OTTAWA — Veterans, Canadian Forces personnel and their families can now count on receiving a 25-per-cent discount off their Via Rail fares year round.

The announcement was made Monday in front of a group of veterans at the Canadian War Museum by Veteran Affairs Minister Jean-Pierre Blackburn, Defence Minister Peter MacKay and Via Rail officials.

"Our veterans and their families have made great sacrifices so that we can live in a democratic and free country," Blackburn said. "Today, only days before the start of Veterans' Week, is the most fitting time to offer them this tangible and important proof of respect and gratitude we owe them."

The discounted fares apply to all classes of VIA service, including economy, business and sleeper. The discount off the best available fare has no route or date restrictions.

"These reduced fares mean our brave men and women in uniform and their families can travel and enjoy more of the country they serve and defend each day," MacKay added.

The discount was effective Monday. Under the plan, current Canadian Forces members and veterans can be accompanied by up to five additional family members, provided they travel on the same trains, dates and in the same classes.

Veterans' Week runs from Nov. 5 to 11.
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Webmaster 2010/11/02 07:08
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