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NEWTON, Grace Edith (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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TOPIC: NEWTON, Grace Edith
NEWTON, Grace Edith 15 Years, 2 Months ago  
Mother of Pipe Band members Dean and Glen Newton

NEWTON, Grace Edith ['Tootsie'] (nee MacDuff). Surrounded by her family on March 20, 2009 at the Elizabeth Bruyere Palliative Care Center, Ottawa. Predeceased by her loving husband Keith Newton. Devoted mother to Earl, Olla, Dean (Valerie Fraser), Glen (Cecilia
Tellis) and Glenda (Robin Vosatka). Cherished grandmother to Kaitlin MacLeod, Alison, Graeme, Emma and Isobel Fraser and Colin Vosatka. Dear sister to Stewart, Thelma Desjardins and Norman, predeceased by her brothers Percy, Earl, Ervin, Angus, Ted and Neil. Auntie Toots will be fondly remembered by her numerous nieces and nephews, as well as a great number of friends in Montreal, Ottawa and throughout the world. Special thanks to the nursing staff at the Ottawa General Hospital and specifically Marie-Claude of the Elizabeth Bruyere all of whom helped make Mum's last few weeks as comfortable as possible.

Funeral service will be held Saturday, March 28 at 2:00p.m. at the Trinity United Church, 50 High Street, Vankleek Hill. Interment of ashes, at a later date, at the Pinecrest Cemetery, Ottawa. Funeral services entrusted to the Hillcrest Funeral Home, Vankleek Hill, Ontario. Tootsie’s memory will live on forever in all who knew her.
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