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Re:Pacific branch updates 16 Years, 3 Months ago
Great to see a photo of Gerry Stacey. Gerry was one of the finest NCOs that I had the privilege to know while in the Watch. I am sure that most of you will agree that we all had some of the finest leaders in both Battalions. To all of you NCOs and yes Officer's too THANKS for a job well done and to the frienships that we all made and still have to this day.
Trust that you all had a very Merry Christmas and hope that you have a great and Happy New Year.
Bob Woodward (Woody 126 Squad)
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Re:Pacific branch updates 16 Years, 3 Months ago
Mother Stacey was indeed a fine platoon Sgt.Must admit I gave him more grey hair than enough.
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Re:Pacific branch updates 16 Years, 1 Month ago
what year did you go through depot woody, did you get sent to germany in 61 to bring the 1st batallion up to strength, october i think it was, went over on the qss of arcadia i think it was, landed in rotterdam holland, with allthose young dutch girls waveing at the train, ha ha, back in the dad as they say, take care woody ah yes gerry stacey was most certenly one of the very finest nco,s that i also had thepleasure to work with willie musgrave
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Re:Pacific branch updates 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Hey Butch that was in Sept that we went over to Germany
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Re:Pacific branch updates 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Good day Willie,I came in NOV.1961 for my basic with 126 Squad. Went into A Coy after Depot. Transfered to 2nd 1963.
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Re:Pacific branch updates 16 Years, 1 Month ago
and i took care of him Rick Smith
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Re:Pacific branch updates 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Some one had to. LOL
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Re:Pacific branch updates 16 Years ago
geez Jim & Rick you wouldn't have made as far as you did if I hadn't been there.
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Re:Pacific branch updates 16 Years ago
Right If it wasn`t for Rick and I you would still be there. Only man in the Reg. Couldn`t find the front gate Drunk or sober.Rick got practice changing diapers on woody when he cried about always being lost
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