60th Cadet Reunion Print E-mail


CC 2497 The Black Watch (RHR) of Canada Cadet Corps

Schedule | Accommodations | Bob Fulton Fund | 60th Anniversary Book

04 Apr 2014 - UPDATE

Registration for the 60th Anniversary Reunion is NOW OPEN.


Go the online event registration site


We have recently been advised by some of those who registered early via the Eventbrite site that they have received a notice from PayPal that their payment could not be processed and that their funds have been returned to their credit card account.

This is attributable to an error in the original reunion email address (our mistake) that was corrected a few days after the Eventbrite registration site was launched. The current email address – an essential element of the PayPal process – is correct. It is bwcc60@securenet.net This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

If you have recently received an email from PayPal that your payment was not accepted, please go back to the PayPal site and send your payment again to bwcc60@securenet.net This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

If you have questions, or need assistance in resending your payment, please contact Victor Knowlton at bwcc60@securenet.net This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or by telephone (514) 591-0514.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

Fill out and print a pdfcopy of the form (PDF), fill it out completely and mail it, along with your cheque or money order in $CAD, to the address below.
Mailing Address

60th Anniversary CC2497
The Black Watch (RHR) of Canada
2067 Bleury Street
Montreal, Quebec H3A 2K2

Please make your cheque or money order payable to:
“60th Anniversary CC 2497”
Your mailed registration should arrive no later than May 5, 2014
All profits will go to the Cadet Corps

Got questions? Email us at: bwcc60@securenet.net This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

25 May 2014 - UPDATE 

While we have experienced a few delays in finalizing details of some the Reunion events, things are quickly falling into place.  Stay tuned to the 60th anniversary Facebook page, or check the Cadet Reunion page on the regimental website (www.blackwatchcanada.com/cadetreunion) for formal registration information, including online payment options. It will be available within the next 5-7days.

Some former cadets have asked whether the reunion is going ahead or not.  ALL DATES AND EVENTS ARE FIRM. Please reach out to as many former cadets as possible within the coming weeks, so that we can have a big a turnout as possible.

Yours aye,

Bob Clarke


This spring, the Black Watch Cadets Corps 2497 will celebrate the close of its 60th consecutive training year.

While we've been a little slow in getting things organized, things are now well underway for a 60th anniversary reunion.

Spouses/partners are welcome at all events.

The current plan is very similar to the 50th reunion (2004).

pdfCLICK HERE FOR A SCHEDULE OF EVENTS (as of 11 Apr 2014 at 1210hrs Eastern)


As at past reunions, BW swag will be available for sale at the events. We also hope to release an updated version of the 50th anniversary history book for this reunion.

In the coming days, you should be able to reserve online and to pay for your tickets via PayPal. A web-based, event reservation form will also be available shortly.

A Facebook event page has been created for this reunion. It already has 200+ members and counting! If you have a Facebook account, you can ask to join. Only members can add other members to the list. Details at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/578747142215382/

In the meantime, please GET THE WORD OUT to those with whom you many be in touch. The dates for this event are firm.

Army Cadet Service Medal (ACSM)

If you served as an Army Cadet for four (4) years or longer, you are eligible to receive the Army Cadet Service Medal. Details about the medal are available at: http://www.armycadetleague.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Pol-13-1-Army-Cadet-Service-Medal-ACSM-rev-Feb-2014.pdf

The application form for the ACSM is available at:http://www.armycadetleague.ca/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Policy-13.1-ACSM-application-form-E_2013.pdf

Victor Knowlton will coordinate all applications for the ACSM from former Black Watch cadets. If you are eligible and wish receive your ACSM in May, please contact Victor at the coordinates below. We will be charging $15 for the ACSM, $10 for the medal and $5 for a donation. Cheques should be made to the 60th Anniversary-CC2497. We have an email address for the reunion, bwcc60@securenet.net This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Stay in Touch

If you have any questions, want to volunteer to help, or want to let us know if you plan to attend, feel free to contact us.

Major (retd) Bob Clarke (co-Chair) robertclarke@trentu.ca This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ,

Major (retd) Victor Knowlton (co-Chair) vmk@camlin.ca This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

LCol (retd) Bruce Bolton (Honorary Chairperson) bbolton@msfoundation.org This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Accommodations near the Armoury

There are a number of reasonably-priced hotels in the immediate vicinity of the Armoury. See below for suggested hotels. If you book your room early, you should be able to take advantage of competitive pricing.

Budget to Moderately Priced Hotels

Hotel Parc Suites
3463 Av. du Parc  (near Milton)
Tel: (514) 985-5656  or 1 800-949-8630  
This is a small boutique hotel situated next to the old Henri Richard Tavern.

L’Appartement Hotel
455 Sherbrooke Street West (corner Durocher)
Tel: (514) 284-3634
This is a nice apartment hotel located 5 minutes from the Armoury on Sherbrooke Street.

Hilton Garden Inn Montreal Centre-ville
380 Sherbrooke Street West
Tel: (514) 840-0010
This hotel is located next door to the Holiday Inn Montreal Midtown.

Moderate to Higher Priced Hotels

Hotel Delta Montreal
475 President Kennedy Avenue
(514) 286-1986
This hotel is located one block west of the Armoury, about a 2-minute walk from the Armoury.

Hotel Intercontinental Montreal
360 Saint Antoine Street West (corner Bleury)
Tel: (514) 987-9900
Located in Old Montreal at the foot of Bleury Street, the Intercontinental is one of the city’s finer hotels. It is about a 15-minute walk from the Armoury.


The Bob Fulton Memorial Bursary

The Bob Fulton Memorial Fund is being established in 2014 on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Black Watch Cadet Corps No. 2497 in recognition of the outstanding influence that Bob Fulton, founding Cadet No. 1, had on the development of a large number of cadets, especially drummers and pipers, over his years of service. It will remember Bob Fulton by encouraging young cadets to attain the same standards he set in devotion to the Corps, personal discipline and deportment, and leadership.


Bob Fulton, the son of a World War II Black Watch Senior NCO veteran, joined the Black Watch Cadet Corps, having learned drums under the Boys’ Pipes & Drums program established by the St. Andrew’s Society of Montreal in 1953. He joined the Regimental Pipe Band and soon became lead drummer or lead tip. He was always recognized for his immaculate dress, his demands for punctuality and “keeping your word”, and for high standards of drill and musical performance. He spurred them on to achieve much more than they thought they were capable of and thus help set them on their personal way with self-confidence and self-discipline. When not on the parade square, he was a fun loving and caring individual behind his facade of a strict Sergeant-Major.

The Bob Fulton Memorial Fund will be used to offer an annual bursary to an outstanding cadet who reflects the ideals left to us by Bob Fulton. The funds accumulated will be invested by the Black Watch of Canada Foundation and distributed based on the recommendation of a committee composed of representatives of the Cadet Corps, the Foundation, the Fulton family and people who knew Bob. The bursary is aimed to begin in the area of $500, some coming from the endowment fund, some from an annual campaign. The bursary is available to any senior member of the Cadet Corps to assist in pursuing their post secondary education and will only be awarded once to a cadet.

Tax receiptable donations can be sent to: The Bob Fulton Memorial Fund, The Black Watch of Canada Foundation, 2067 de Bleury Street, Montreal, QC  H3A 2K2 or over the internet  through CanadaHelps  (canadahelps.org) for the Black Watch of Canada Foundation. When you click the Donate Now or Donate Monthly button, you will see the Fulton Fund on the drop-down menu.

We do hope you will be generous towards this memorial fund.

Organizing Committee:  LCol (ret’d) Bruce Bolton, Capt (ret’d) Andrew Kerr, and MCpl (ret'd) Robert (Murph) Murphy.

60th Anniversary History Book

There is currently a plan to produce a 60th anniversary edition of the Black Watch Cadet Corps history book. Based on the 50th anniversary edition, this new paperbound volume will include updated text and photos. Length will be about 80 pages.  The projected cost is $20-$30 per copy.

The book will be ready to ship in the early fall of 2014.  Right now we are trying to get a sense of the market for this book.  Pre-publication order forms will be available at the Reunion, and online after the reunion weekend.

If you are interested in owning a copy when it becomes available, please let us know by sending a brief email to  bwcc60@securenet.net This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


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